NanoCeram® Virus Sampler


Proven Technology Meeting Rigid Testing Demands

The New & Improved NanoCeram® Virus Sampler uses Argonide's patented electropositive
non-woven filter media in a pleated cartridge.  The family of NanoCeram® Virus Samplers are capable
of meeting the rigid testing methodology for virus sampling as specified by the EPA (see USEPA
Methods of Virology, Chapter 14, April 2001 and Method 1615) and has enhanced recovery.

Low Cost - High Value

The VS2.5-5 cartridge exceeds the EPA's desire for a low-cost virus sampler.  The improved
VS2.5-5 cartridge realizes a better recovery compared to the original Argonide sampler cartridge.  
The VS2.5-5 is supplied in cases containing cartridges that are individually induction-sealed
and electron beam irradiated by a certified sterilization facility.

Argonide strives to provide quality and cost effective water filtration products that meet or exceed our customer's requirements by continuously improving its processes and our quality management system.

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