Breakthrough Water Filtration Technology
Unique and patented filtration technologies NanoCeram® & DEAL® purifier systems certified against NSF P231, NSF 42 and NSF 53.
Technology Innovation Increasing The
Efficiency and Capability of Water Purification
Argonide's Formula
(Innovative Technology + Quality) ^ Customer Focus = Success
Argonide is dedicated to the development of innovative technology to increase the efficiency and capability of water purification. Technologies invented and manufactured by Argonide power a wide range of water filtration & purification products and advanced filtration systems around the world.
The Argonide team strives to achieve the highest standards of quality in all aspects of manufacturing and operations. A culture of continuous improvement inspires us daily to satisfy the expectations of our customers by delivering defect-free products.
Our lines of pleated water filter cartridges are far more than just another sediment filter, but one of the most innovative methods of filtration to work for all your water treatment applications.
The Argonide team strives to achieve the highest standards of quality in all aspects of manufacturing and operations. A culture of continuous improvement inspires us daily to satisfy the expectations of our customers by delivering defect-free products.
Our lines of pleated water filter cartridges are far more than just another sediment filter, but one of the most innovative methods of filtration to work for all your water treatment applications.
Our History of Technology Innovation
select a section to learn more about Argonide's innovative history
Argonide Founded
Fred Tepper founded Argonide to invest in a Russian process that produces nano powder.
3 SBIR Contracts Awarded for Nano Metal Powder
What is SBIR? The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive program that encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) that has the potential for commercialization. Through a competitive awards-based program, SBIR enables small businesses to explore their technological potential and provides the incentive to profit from its commercialization.
First Nano Metal Powder Sold
Argonide sold it’s first sample of nano metal powder.
What is Nano Metal Powder?
The nano metal powders Argonide offered were produced by the electroexploded wire (“EEW”) process. Virtually all the metals produced by this process are combustible, and several of them such as aluminum, iron, titanium and zirconium are either pyrophoric or nearly so. The process is capable of manufacturing particles with an average size as small as 50 nanometers. Particles as small as 50 nm have been made in experimental quantities. Typically we produce 100 nanometer particle size powders because smaller particles are often too reactive and sometimes pyrophoric, prohibiting their shipment via aircraft. There is a maximum size of about 300 nm (average). The powders are collected and protected from oxidation by the argon in the reactor. Some of the powders including those that are pyrophoric are transferred to liquid hydrocarbon. In the case of Alex®nanoaluminum powder, before removing it from the chamber the particles are passivated by exposure to dry air and are then packaged as a dry powder.
What is Nano Metal Powder?
The nano metal powders Argonide offered were produced by the electroexploded wire (“EEW”) process. Virtually all the metals produced by this process are combustible, and several of them such as aluminum, iron, titanium and zirconium are either pyrophoric or nearly so. The process is capable of manufacturing particles with an average size as small as 50 nanometers. Particles as small as 50 nm have been made in experimental quantities. Typically we produce 100 nanometer particle size powders because smaller particles are often too reactive and sometimes pyrophoric, prohibiting their shipment via aircraft. There is a maximum size of about 300 nm (average). The powders are collected and protected from oxidation by the argon in the reactor. Some of the powders including those that are pyrophoric are transferred to liquid hydrocarbon. In the case of Alex®nanoaluminum powder, before removing it from the chamber the particles are passivated by exposure to dry air and are then packaged as a dry powder.
NASA Awards Argonne Phase I & Phase II Aluminized Rocket Propellants Metallic Nanopowders for Rocket Propulsion
Active metal powders are extensively used as fuels in most solid rocket propellants because of the high energy produced during their combustion. The specific impulse (I sp) of the rocket engine is proportional to (T c/M)1/2, where T c is chamber temperature and Mis molecular weight of combustion products. Thus the best propellants are those that produce the highest combustion temperature and the smallest possible molecular weight of the combustion products. Therefore the best oxidizers are fluorine and oxygen and the best fuels are lithium, beryllium, boron, aluminum, and magnesium. Lithium is extremely reactive and beryllium is extremely toxic so these are impractical in rocket applications. That leaves boron, aluminum, and magnesium powders as primary candidates.
Aluminum is a major ingredient in solid rocket fuels, often combined in a rubbery binder along with particles of oxidizer. When burning aluminum in solid propellants, the energy utilized can be diminished because the droplets agglomerate, producing larger droplets and slower combustion that can occur too late (after the nozzle) to be effective. The agglomerates, although partially oxidized, often slag up on the internal surfaces of the engine, reducing combustion efficiency and weighing down the vehicle.
As with solid propellants, adding aluminum to liquid fuels would also provide a theoretical advantage in higher volumetric energy density, but the metal must be uniformly dispersed and remain so in the hydrocarbon. As with solid propellants, aluminum combustion must be rapid enough so that it is consumed within the rocket engine. The most effective means of achieving complete combustion is to use powders with particle sizes at least an order of magnitude or two smaller than the metal powder ordinarily used in solid propellants. This article focuses on Alex® nanosize aluminum particles manufactured by the electroexplosion of metal wire (“EEW”) and its use in liquid and solid rocket propellants.
Aluminum is a major ingredient in solid rocket fuels, often combined in a rubbery binder along with particles of oxidizer. When burning aluminum in solid propellants, the energy utilized can be diminished because the droplets agglomerate, producing larger droplets and slower combustion that can occur too late (after the nozzle) to be effective. The agglomerates, although partially oxidized, often slag up on the internal surfaces of the engine, reducing combustion efficiency and weighing down the vehicle.
As with solid propellants, adding aluminum to liquid fuels would also provide a theoretical advantage in higher volumetric energy density, but the metal must be uniformly dispersed and remain so in the hydrocarbon. As with solid propellants, aluminum combustion must be rapid enough so that it is consumed within the rocket engine. The most effective means of achieving complete combustion is to use powders with particle sizes at least an order of magnitude or two smaller than the metal powder ordinarily used in solid propellants. This article focuses on Alex® nanosize aluminum particles manufactured by the electroexplosion of metal wire (“EEW”) and its use in liquid and solid rocket propellants.
Argonide lunches Sale of Nano Alumina Fibers
What are Alumina Nanofibers?
Alumina nanofibers are very small fibers made from aluminum metal or aluminum containing materials. The fibers range in size from 1-100 (nm) in diameter and can be up to several micrometers in length. To give perspective, a sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick. Alumina nanofibers consist of either aluminum oxide (Al2O3) or aluminum hydroxide, such as aluminum oxide hydroxide (AlOOH), commonly referred to as boehmite, or aluminum trihyroxide [Al(OH)3], commonly referred to as gibbsite, bayerite or nordstrandite.
How Alumina Nanofibers are used for Treating Drinking Water?
Alumina nanofibers have been incorporated into cartridge filters to increase their ability to remove contaminants. The nanofibers have two particular attributes that make them attractive for use in drinking water filters – the proven capability of alumina to adsorb various contaminants in conjunction with the extremely high surface areas of the nanofibers allow for potential adsorption of significant amounts of contaminants. This could extend the life of a filter. The electrostatic attraction allows for the potential adsorption (and thus removal) of viruses which are on the submicron and nanoscale. This would improve a filter‟s microbial pathogen removal capabilities. Research has shown the potential for Al2O3 alumina materials and Al2O3 alumina nanofibers to remove or reduce virus concentrations in water.
Source: USAPHC: Fact Sheet 31-015-0211
Alumina nanofibers are very small fibers made from aluminum metal or aluminum containing materials. The fibers range in size from 1-100 (nm) in diameter and can be up to several micrometers in length. To give perspective, a sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick. Alumina nanofibers consist of either aluminum oxide (Al2O3) or aluminum hydroxide, such as aluminum oxide hydroxide (AlOOH), commonly referred to as boehmite, or aluminum trihyroxide [Al(OH)3], commonly referred to as gibbsite, bayerite or nordstrandite.
How Alumina Nanofibers are used for Treating Drinking Water?
Alumina nanofibers have been incorporated into cartridge filters to increase their ability to remove contaminants. The nanofibers have two particular attributes that make them attractive for use in drinking water filters – the proven capability of alumina to adsorb various contaminants in conjunction with the extremely high surface areas of the nanofibers allow for potential adsorption of significant amounts of contaminants. This could extend the life of a filter. The electrostatic attraction allows for the potential adsorption (and thus removal) of viruses which are on the submicron and nanoscale. This would improve a filter‟s microbial pathogen removal capabilities. Research has shown the potential for Al2O3 alumina materials and Al2O3 alumina nanofibers to remove or reduce virus concentrations in water.
Source: USAPHC: Fact Sheet 31-015-0211
Argonide Recieves SBIR Award from NASA for Biological Filter For Space Cabin Water
Alumina (AlOOH) nanofibers (NanoCeram™) only 2 nm in diameter were developed in Russia under a CRADA of Argonide with the Department of Energy. Argonide immobilized the fibers into a filter and subsequently was awarded an SBIR contract by NASA to develop a filter for space cabins. The filters, which received a “Best 100 New Product” award by R and D magazine, are being commercialized in January 2003 in the form of laboratory size filters for biotech applications. The filters are highly electropositive as a result of the high surface area, covered by hydroxide groups and attract and retain pathogens and virus that are principally electronegative.
Alumina (AlOOH) nanofibers (NanoCeram™) only 2 nm in diameter were developed in Russia under a CRADA of Argonide with the Department of Energy. Argonide immobilized the fibers into a filter and subsequently was awarded an SBIR contract by NASA to develop a filter for space cabins. The filters, which received a “Best 100 New Product” award by R and D magazine, are being commercialized in January 2003 in the form of laboratory size filters for biotech applications. The filters are highly electropositive as a result of the high surface area, covered by hydroxide groups and attract and retain pathogens and virus that are principally electronegative.
Our Founder

Founder and CEO
1934 - 2022
Fred Tepper is the genesis and driving force behind all that is Argonide. Fred, a problem solver and solutions expert in the world of science, innovated many things and advanced many industries throughout his career. He and his research and development team at CRC (Catalyst Research Corporation) developed and patented a revolutionary lithium battery. The creation of which revolutionized the world of medicine by helping to enable the modern pacemaker. In 1997, he founded Argonide as an investment in nanotechnology and soon turned the focus of Argonide to water/fluid filtration to once again innovate and change an industry. The technology he developed yielded an electropositive adsorption material that could capture molecules as small as a virus. It was that material that later would become NanoCeram® filter media, a patented Argonide technology.